Welcome To my Blog!

Welcome to my blog every one, it has reviews from most of the books I have read. So alot of them are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and I know a lot of people have read those books but I feel that for those who haven't I need to talk them into it. I own most of the books I wirte about beacause most of them are soo good. Also if you are into Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Hunger Games I have a website called Jackson~Potter~Weasley I just added the Hunger Games to the website so thats why I don't have any Hunger Games things in the name. Ok so I might be a little to book crazie for a 13 year old girl.............. Enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A book I finnished very early this morning (2:30 early) was Divergent by Veronica Roth. It is a really great book about the future Chicago, IL. It is a strang future with rundown buildings and five factions
  • DAUNTLESS: fearless, undaunted.
  • ABNEGATION: selflessness
  • ERUDITE: characterized by great knowledge
  • CANDOR: honesty about every thing
  • AMITY: friendship, peaceful, harmony
I don't want to give away to much, but if you liked the hunger games you would love this book.

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