Welcome To my Blog!

Welcome to my blog every one, it has reviews from most of the books I have read. So alot of them are Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and I know a lot of people have read those books but I feel that for those who haven't I need to talk them into it. I own most of the books I wirte about beacause most of them are soo good. Also if you are into Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Hunger Games I have a website called Jackson~Potter~Weasley I just added the Hunger Games to the website so thats why I don't have any Hunger Games things in the name. Ok so I might be a little to book crazie for a 13 year old girl.............. Enjoy my blog!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monster High

I finnished this book like three weeks ago but I didn't have a blog then. Monster High by Lisi Harrison is a great book about a girl named Melody Carter and her family has to move to Orgaon, because of her asma. Her twon is really weird with hairy guys howling at every thing, chasing cars and a weird green monster siteing. In the book it goes from one character to a nother. Melody to Frankie it is way diferent from the dolls so don't be all, "I will not read that baby book!" give it a try.

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